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Q1: How do I switch between quotas?

A1: Contact, which can switch you to another quota for your next collection (every six months).

Q2: How do I downgrade from triathlon to duathlon quota?

A2: You can downgrade from triathlon to duathlon quota for your next billing. That is you cannot downgrade in the middle of your billing period, and you cannot generally get a refund of all or part of your quota when downgrading.

Q3: How do I upgrade from a duathlon to a triathlon quota?

A3: You can upgrade from duathlon to triathlon quota at your next billing or in the middle of the period for a small fee.


Q4: Does the duathlon contingent also grant a license to the Danish Triathlon Association (DTriF)?

A4: Yes, you retain your license at DTriF.

Q5: Do I keep my license number if I change my quota?

A5: Yes, you always keep the same license number - even if you change clubs.

Q6: My quota has expired. What do I do?

A6: Simply go to the website and register again. You keep your license number.

Q7: How can I change clubs?

A7: You are free to change clubs within the transfer window, which is from 1 November to 1 March. During this period, you can simply register for a subscription in the new club, after which you will be asked if your license should be moved to the new club. Outside the transfer window ie. from 1 March to 1 November, you must obtain written consent from both clubs, and then contact the Danish Triathlon Association ( who can move the license for you.

Q8: I am moving abroad, but would like to represent Aarhus 1900 Triathlon. What do I do?

A8: We can offer you a refund every other charge of a duathlon quota. That is you can get your tri license from the Danish Triathlon Association for DKK 500 annually.

Q9: How can I take part in the social events without being an active member of Aarhus 1900 Triathlon? 

A9: You can register for a passive subscription, which gives access to all our social events and cooperation agreements

FAQ about quota

Q10: Can you be injured by running intervals?

A10: No - you are not injured by running intervals.

Damage  occurs when the body is exposed to a load that it is not used to. That is why it is very important that you start with few intervals when you start interval training in running.

See additional questions regarding "How do I avoid getting injured as a new triathlete" (Q12)



Q11: Can I participate in running training even if I am not used to running intervals?

A11: Read the answer to question Q10. It is important that you start quietly with intervals.

We always run a lap for Tuesday's training, and you will therefore never have to run completely alone.



Q12. How do I avoid injury as a new triathlete?

A12: The most important parameter for experiencing progress in one's training is continuity, i.e. training week after week, without further interruptions due to injuries.
Most often, injuries are caused by the body being exposed to a load that it is not used to. Load is an expression of the amount you train and the intensity you train with (load = amount*intensity). If you are not used to training with high intensity, you must be very careful when you start with this. This applies especially to running, as running is a weight-bearing discipline and the strain on tendons/muscles/joints is greater than in cycling and swimming.
In addition, one must be careful not to start exercising for too long at a time. A very good rule is the "10% rule", which prescribes that you should not increase your training by more than 10% from one week to the next. This rule minimizes the risk of injury, but it is important to say that EVERYONE can be injured regardless of how careful they are, as there are usually many reasons for an injury to occur.
If you are in doubt about how much you should train, you are always welcome to ask our trainers or write to our head trainer at

Q13: Can I participate in cycling training even if this is completely new to me?

A13: Basically, everyone can participate in our cycling training. We try to ensure that there is always a cycling captain for each cycling training session who will be aware of new members. However, we have an expectation that everyone who turns up for cycle training  contributes everything to be able to cope with a possible puncture (extra hose, pump/co2 pump, multitool etc.)

Q14: What do I do if I drop out of the group?

A14: It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with today's training before turning up for the many first training sessions. The training sessions are posted on our shared Facebook group, and can otherwise be found on our website.

Under the tab "Nice to know" you will find links to the most used routes for our cycling training.
As mentioned in Q13, we do a lot to ensure that everyone has a cycling captain in their group, precisely to minimize the risk of one or more cycling alone due to a difference in level.

Q15: Can I participate in cycling training, even if it doesn't fit into my calendar every single week?

A15: Of course you can! There are no rules for how many times, how little and how often you have to come to training to be able to participate.

Q16: Can you participate in MTB and trail races when you are a regular TRI member?

A16: All members must participate in our XTERRA trainings, i.e. Whether you have XTERRA Membership, Duathlon Membership, Triathlon Membership or Alligator Membership.

Q17: Can I start triathlon if I have never tried swimming backstroke?

A17: Yes! A lot of people start triathlons with a background in running or cycling, and several have never tried swimming freestyle.

Our swimming training is always divided into levels, and there is always a coach for our training.

If you are completely new to crawl technique, you must participate in our Group 4 training sessions. On Saturdays, we also focus exclusively on brand new swimmers from 14.00 to 15.00.

FAQ about training

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